Thursday, 23 February 2012


Today we had to create A4 Collograph plate with the life drawing drawings but before we had to create (minimum of 6) loose charcoal drawings from selected life drawings which I've completed with 9 drawings after that we had to collect some materials to make a A4 Collograpgh.

Then we had to start making our A4 collograph plate and use diffrent techniques to create it I used some cutting and sticking method as well as that I got some string and stuck it on my Plate we used PVA to stick our materials in and we had to PVA all of the work so it looks shiny.

I didint manage to completly finish my palet but were gonna get some time on it next week so we all can finish it im gonna try fill my drawing in with some material like ( net, string , wallpaper etc)

Monday, 20 February 2012


The Graphic Design were late to embrace the web. The low resolution of the computer interface has for a long time off designers. When Graphic Designers realised they should get involved in Web Design. Many of the Graphic Designers made the mistake of transporting what they did on paper to the new medium and this resulted in loads of JPGS.

Maybe the biggest reason the Graphic Designers held back was because the visual aspect is a small part of overall site design. Web Design has to pay attention to
jmatters that are treated routinely in print media.

Graphic Designers are teaming up with illustrators, software operators, editional and interaction designers. The best thing designers can offer to this multifaceted medium is visual clarity and consistency.