Friday, 21 June 2013

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau is a style which takes inspiration from natural world. Art Nouveau influences art and architecture especially in applied arts, graphic design and illustration. The most famous artists which use Art Nouveau are Gustav klimt, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and Aubrey Beardsley. There is only few main themes in Art Nouveau that you need to keep in mind.

Art Nouveau was very popular all over Europe, the style's name comes from an Art Gallery in Paris, France and a magazine in Munich, Germany. Artists which used Art Nouveau tried to harmonize their work with Nature.

This is a Posted made in the Art Nouveau style. I like how the colours go from Red at bottom of it to Brown/Orange at top. I alos like how the lines arent straight.

These two buildings have both had Art Nouveau style applied ot them as you can clearly see they dont have straight lines and they also have many different colours.

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